Matches of Team Pamlin Team
game: 2022-03-27 #52265 Highlands Congress Strathpe S100
Team_A Team_B Boards MP_A MP_B VP_A VP_B Butler_NS Butler_EW
Team Pamlin   6 13 29 6.47 13.53 -0.43 -2.76
Team Pamlin Team ahh 6 3 18 6.66 13.34 -2.84 -0.02
Team Pamlin Team deniseking 6 13 25 7.25 12.75 -0.47 -0.68
Team Pamlin Team downiejohn 6 14 0 13.15 6.85 1.65 0.72
Team Pamlin Team drroy48 6 7 45 3.11 16.89 -1.63 -4.49
Team Pamlin Team janeh2 6 38 2 16.64 3.36 5.13 1.42
Team Pamlin Team sheila111 6 22 0 14.59 5.41 3.2 0.45
Team Pamlin Team smokie1955 6 14 18 9.01 10.99 -0.36 -0.17

*errore=-2147217900 [MySQL][ODBC 5.2(a) Driver][mysqld-5.6.51-91.0-log]Unknown column 's3.teamName' in 'field list' sql=select s3.teamName Team_A, s4.teamName Team_B, s2.Avversari as nodisplay_1, COUNT(*) as Boards, SUM( if(s1.MatchPoints>0,s1.MatchPoints,0)) as MP_A , SUM( if(s1.MatchPoints<0,(0-s1.MatchPoints) ,0)) as MP_B, ' ' as VP_A, ' ' as VP_B, round(avg(s1.Butler),2) Butler_NS, round(avg(s2.Butler),2) Butler_EW from Scores s1 inner join Scores s2 on s1.Torneo = s2.Torneo and s1.Board = s2.Board and s1.Coppia = s2.Coppia and s1.Avversari = s2.Avversari and s1.NS=1 and s2.NS=0 where s1.Torneo='2022-03-27 #52265 Highlands Congress Strathpe S100' and s1.coppia=10 group by s4.TeamName, s2.Avversari